CCBRA Application FINAL 7132020
The Crawford County Board of Commissioners, with the support of the local units of government and the community formed the Crawford County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (CCBRA) on February 21, 2001.
A Brownfield site is an abandoned, idle or under-used industrial and/or commercial property, often in urban areas, where expansion or redevelopment is hindered or complicated by real or perceived environmental conditions.
Brownfield sites are not limited to large cities with long histories of heavy industry and large – scale manufacturing activity. Many small towns and villages in Michigan also have properties suspected of contamination or old buildings that are no longer used, blighted and/or functionally obsolete.
- Facilitate the redevelopment of environmentally contaminated and/or under-utilized propertied located within the County
- Review and approve Brownfield Plans so that eligible properties can be redeveloped using such tools as
- Grants
- Loans
- Tax increment financing
- Local Brownfield Revolving Fund
- Submit Act 381 work plans
- Manage the reimbursement of costs associated with redeveloped property
The Crawford County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority’s purpose is to promote revitalization of blighted and environmentally degraded areas of the county. The CCBRA works collaboratively with economic and community development partners to encourage redevelopment of underutilized sites, reduce threats to human health and the environment, create jobs and spur spin-off development.
The board works to advance investment in communities across Crawford County and to preserve the quality of life our residents, visitors and business owners value;
- Protection of our high quality natural resources and outdoor recreation opportunities
- Connection to, and promotion of, our cultural and historical assets and,
- Alignment with community sense of place
All meetings are held at the Crawford County Building
All meetings begin at 9:00 am